Pure Storage




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We Buy and Sell Pure Storage Systems.

Spectra offers FlashArray//X and FlashArray//M storage units from Pure Storage systems, expansions, and parts along with technical expertise. If you need Pure Storage storage systems, we’re your source!

About Our Hardware:

All Pure Data storage products are put through a rigorous refurbishment and testing process, and are guaranteed to be:

  • Original equipment manufactured and serial numbered numbered by Pure Storage, Inc.
  • Configured to exact user specifications
  • Fully reconditioned to manufacturers standards of new [ETN]
  • Lab tested, 72 Hour burn in/load-tested
  • Complete with manufacturers ship group (Cables, Power Cords, Manuals etc)
  • Eligible for Maintenance Agreement
  • 90 Day warranty

Got Hitachi to sell?

We buy Pure Storage hardware from clients all over the world. Contact us to learn more about our asset disposition services!


Spectra Maintenance Advantage:

Spectra offers Pure Storage Maintenance and hardware support. We beat Hitachi’s maintenance prices by 40% or more!

Why choose us?

  • Minimize your op-ex costs.
  • We offer several maintenance SLAs that can be tailored to conform to your needs and budget.
  • 24/7 monitored “Call Home” feature alerts us of system errors, and automatically opens your support ticket.
  • Extend the life of your equipment well beyond the manufacturers’ ‘End of Service Life
  • Advance parts exchange: ensures your Hitachi parts are ready & available at moment’s notice.
  • On-site spares: Full standby units readily available in the event of total disaster.
  • Spectra is a multi-platform service. You have 1 point of contact for all equipment in your data-center.

If you can’t find the Pure Storage system you need, please contact us to determine current availability.