END OF LIFE Is NOT the End for your Storage System!

Though the major manufacturers (EMC, Hitachi, NetApp, IBM and HPE alike) will say otherwise, rest assured that EOL doesn’t = “dead.”  While it can vary from vendor to vendor, EOL is basically the point in the product’s life where the manufacturer has stopped selling it, and moves it to support-only. EOL just means you need to make an adjustment to the way your organization should approach hardware support and maintenance solutions when your renewal comes up.

If your objective is to ...

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What happens when a Storage System goes EOL?

As a 3rd party support provider, we get asked this question a lot – “What can Iexpect when my system goes EOL? And how does it differ from EOSL? or EOSL?

These terms are all manufacturer-specifc, meaning what EMC and NetApp call EOL (End-of-life) IBM calls “Withdrawn from marketing”. First, Let’s take a look at what the terms mean, and the difference between them:


EOL – End of Life – In a nutshell, this only means that the manufacturer has discontinued the ...

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How to Extract SPCollects from your EMC VNX or Clariion Array

When you are working with your support vendor, whether EMC or 3rd Party EMC support, you may be asked to provide a diagnostic data file from your unit.  With an EMC VNX or Clariion storage system, these are called SPCollect files.

An SPCollect is large compressed file that will contain diagnostic, logs, and properties of the array. If there has been any type of hardware malfunction in the array, data about the failure will be provided in the SPCollect.  An SPCollect ...

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